6 Lessons To Take Into Your 20's

5 min readAug 21, 2021

How to make this decade as painless as possible

I speak from experience when I say that being your own best friend when you can, where you can, is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself.

The fact that I’m a 19 year old writing about how to make the best of my 20s should not only disqualify me from writing this piece but it also reveals my Type A personality type in a painfully obvious way. But watching your generational predecessors try to fly out of the nest and fail miserably will do that to a person.

But our teenage years can do that to us too. We don’t think about it often enough but our adolescence are ripe with lessons and trials that shaped our early adulthood more than we may know. We were just too busy being kids to reflect on them.

I know I learned plenty of lessons during my teenage years, but I wanted your perspective. So I took to Insta to ask you what lessons you learned as young people and gave me amazing answers that helped inspire this weeks piece. So without further ado, here are 6 lessons I will be taking into my 20s.

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Written by Bih

| College Student | Baby finance enthusiast | Here to write and learn about money and self improvement.

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